

Low Participation in Fall Prevention Exercise Activities = High Rate of Falls

Preventing falls is a public health challenge worldwide as falls in older people are a common cause...

Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care to Reduce Fall Risk

This study aimed to assess whether 12 weeks of chiropractic care was effective in improving...

Massage Therapy Improves Postural Stability and Reduces Fall Risk

Falls occur in approximately one-third of adults over the age of 65, and can often lead to decreased...

Relationship between spinal mobility and alignment to risk of falls

Imbalances in spinal alignment have been reported to relate to postural instability and falls. This...

Make Yourself Stronger and Reduce the Kyphosis (Slouch)

In this study physicians aimed to determine whether spine-strengthening exercises were effective for...

What are the Common Causes of Low Back Pain in the Elderly?

This study aimed to comprehensively summarise common causes and risk factors of developing...


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