Chronic Pain Clinic Sydney

Chiropractor for Chronic Pain


The chiropractic care at Aurum Health Care in Sydney is based on scientific evidence. We use a variety of gentle techniques to help people with chronic pain move more easily and comfortably.

Aurum Health Care’s chronic pain consultants are qualified chiropractors who through their training and experience deliver effective care in helping relieve cases of musculoskeletal chronic pain, while improving your quality of life.

Please get in touch with us today on (02) 9899 1416, or

What is chronic pain?

(Lasting more than 3 months)

Pain usually happens in response to an injury or illness then disappears when the original problem has healed.

Chronic pain, however, doesn’t go away. It lasts long after the original problem has been resolved. Chronic pain is a complex condition. It may cause mild or severe symptoms that are experienced on most days of the week. It is often neck pain, lower back pain, headaches that continue for more than three months, pain that comes and goes.

The pandemic has exacerbated the experience of chronic pain for many people. Two years of heightened health and financial stress mean there is a more anxious environment in daily life now for many people, which can translate into physical symptoms like muscle tension or pain sensitivity.

pain management sydney

Impact of chronic pain

The difficult story of chronic pain is told in both statistics and personal experiences.

Chronic pain has a significant impact on the Australian economy. Pain Australia reports that:


68% of people with chronic pain are of working age


40% of early retirement in Australia is due to chronic pain


In 2020, productivity losses due to chronic pain were estimated at $49.74 billion


The national financial burden of pain is already estimated to be over $73.2 billion and will increase to $215.6 billion by 2050.

Behind those statistics are people – over 3.4 million Australians whose lives are compromised by chronic pain.

Maybe you’re now one of them. Chronic pain may mean you can no longer move or sleep easily, may find it hard to complete your work or study, and may struggle to keep up with your hobbies or friends.

As noted above, nearly 70% of people with chronic pain are of working age – a season when most people expect to be strong, fit and healthy, able to enjoy life and fulfil their responsibilities at work and at home.

Chronic pain causes many negative repercussions in a person’s life, including:

  • Being stigmatised and misunderstood by people who think they should just ‘get over it’
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Losing status or respect at work or in their wider community
  • Not being taken seriously by healthcare professionals (70% of GP consultations for chronic pain end in a prescription for medication rather than referral to a specialist or a multidisciplinary pain centre)
  • Making depression 4 times more likely.

What causes chronic pain?

There are a few potential causes of chronic pain. And there is still much that we don’t yet know. In order to provide effective chronic pain treatment, we need to better understand the cause of your chronic pain. 

Chronic pain may be:

  • Musculoskeletal – related to bones, joints, ligaments and muscles
  • Neuropathic – nerve or tissue damage that can create shooting pain or a burning sensation

You may develop chronic pain due to a known cause such as:

  • Acute pain from an injury or surgery that turns into chronic pain
  • An underlying condition like, migraine, spinal stenosis, osteoporosis or arthritis.

Sometimes, though, there is no apparent cause for your pain. And yet it’s there, it’s real and it’s painful. What’s going on?

It could be that your nerves or your brain are behaving differently. If there’s a problem in your body, your nerves send signals from that area to your brain to alert your brain to the issue. Your brain interprets these signals as pain – and the affected area begins to hurt.

With chronic pain, there may be no physical reason for your nerves to send pain signals or your brain to interpret nerve messages as pain. That could be because your nerves are more sensitive than usual or because your brain is misreading the signals.

Chronic Pain FAQs

What is chronic pain?

Chronic pain usually lasts more than three months. A chronic pain condition typically persists longer than expected healing time.

Chronic pain conditions differ from acute pain conditions, which typically do not last long and resolve themselves.

Chronic pain may be caused by illnesses, musculoskeletal disorders, injuries, surgery, or cancer. Chronic pain may have an impact on mood, sleep, and mental health, in some cases leading to anxiety and/or depression. Chronic pain treatment options include medication, chiropractic, psychological therapy,, and relaxation techniques.

Who can I see for chronic pain?

You can get assistance from a wide range of medical professionals if you have chronic pain. Discuss your pain with your GP or an allied health professional, such as chiropractor. Allied health professionals are well placed to offer chronic pain diagnosis and treatment, and are well equipped to refer you to the right practitioner, depending on your health challenge.

What is the most common treatment for chronic pain?

The most common way to treat chronic pain is with a multi-treatment method, which combines different therapies to treat both symptoms and causes. Here are some methods that are often used in pain management.

Physical therapies include physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, and exercise programs to restore functional movement, reduce pain, and promote health, focusing on musculoskeletal issues.

Mind-body therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness and relaxation techniques like meditation and deep-breathing exercises help manage stress and pain perception in chronic pain cases.

Medications like NSAIDs, topical pain relievers, muscle relaxants, and prescription painkillers may help reduce inflammation and pain, while prescriptions are used for severe cases under medical supervision.

Chronic pain conditions chiropractors may help

Chronic back pain treatment

Chiropractic care helps with chronic back pain by focusing on spinal adjustments that improve your nervous system’s function. When our chiropractor adjusts your spine, it can relieve pressure on the nerves, reduce inflammation, and improve blood flow, helping to regulate pain signals and provide lasting relief.

In addition to adjustments, our chiropractors provide custom exercises and lifestyle tips to help maintain your progress. These exercises strengthen your muscles, support your spine, and improve your overall mobility, while lifestyle advice on posture, ergonomics, and nutrition helps prevent future pain.

With our commitment to personalised care and preventive measures, chiropractic care offers a holistic solution for managing chronic back pain

Chronic hip flexor pain treatment

Chiropractic care can help with chronic hip flexor pain by realigning your spine and pelvis, reducing tension and pressure on the muscles.

During treatment, our chiropractors use gentle spinal and pelvic adjustments, soft tissue therapy like massage, and specific exercises to stretch and strengthen the hip flexors.

We also provide advice on posture and daily activities to prevent further strain. This comprehensive approach can help relieve hip flexor pain and improve your overall mobility.

Chronic neck pain treatment

Chiropractic care with us provides effective relief for chronic neck pain through a combination of spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, targeted exercises, and innovative techniques like electrotherapy.

Our chiropractors focus on realigning the cervical spine, releasing muscle tension, and improving mobility to alleviate pain and enhance overall neck function.

Additionally, personalised exercises and lifestyle advice are provided to prevent future discomfort. With a holistic approach to care, we aim to address the root cause of chronic neck pain and promote lasting relief for our patients.

Chronic tmj pain treatment

Chiropractic care can alleviate some cases of chronic temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain through various treatments tailored to individual needs.

At our practice, we can provide gentle adjustments to the jaw and spine, relieving tension and promoting proper alignment. Additionally, soft tissue therapy helps relax tight muscles around the jaw, reducing pain and stiffness. We also provide specific exercises to strengthen jaw muscles and improve mobility.

By addressing underlying issues contributing to chronic TMJ pain, such as poor posture or dental misalignment, we aim to provide long-lasting relief and improve overall jaw function

Treatment for chronic muscle pain

Chiropractic care addresses chronic muscle pain through a multifaceted approach tailored to each individual.

At our practice, we utilise a variety of treatments including spinal adjustments to realign the spine and alleviate nerve pressure, soft tissue therapy to release muscle tension and improve circulation, and targeted exercises to strengthen muscles and improve mobility.

Our commitment to personalised care sets us apart, as we thoroughly assess each patient’s unique needs and develop individual treatment plans to address the root cause of their muscle pain.

Our emphasis on patient education and empowerment also provides individuals with tools and strategies to manage their chronic pain and prevent future issues. With our comprehensive approach and dedication to patient-centred care, we strive to provide effective relief and improve the overall well-being of our patients.

Managing chronic pain at Aurum Health Care

At Aurum Health Care in Sydney, we take your chronic pain seriously. We understand how hard it is to live with, and how much you yearn for it to finally go away so you can have your life back.

You’ll receive a warm welcome at our clinic, and we’ll start with a detailed discussion of your medical history, your symptoms, and their impact on your life.

Our unique approach to chronic pain care involves understanding you as a whole person –your physical condition, genetics, nutrition, lifestyle and history – because all these things may be influencing your pain.

Next, we conduct a physical examination and, if necessary, order images or other tests to aid our diagnosis.

Only when we have thoroughly assessed you and diagnosed your pain do we move on to developing a personalised, evidence-based treatment plan that meets your unique needs.

Chronic Pain Clinic Sydney

Your chronic pain care plan may include gentle, non-invasive treatments like different grades of spinal mobilisation. Ensuring proper spinal alignment helps to improve the function of your muscles, joints and nervous system, which in turn helps to ease chronic pain.

We also place a strong emphasis on helping you understand your condition, which increases your sense of agency and increases your motivation to follow your treatment plan in between appointments. After all, you are ultimately the one in charge of your own health.

We also recognise that chronic pain is not easy to treat and often requires a multidisciplinary approach, so we work closely with your GP, pain specialist, psychologist and anyone else involved in your care.

Chronic Pain Treatment Sydney

Our experienced and compassionate chiropractors assist with a wide range of chronic pain issues. We want to understand you and your body before providing answers and evidence-based care.

Contact Aurum Health Care in Sydney today to discover how we may assist you in overcoming chronic pain with expert chiropractic care.


Call Aurum Health Care on (02) 9899 1416, or