

Comparative Effectiveness of Injection Therapies in Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy

Researchers compared the efficacy of diverse injections (including cortisteroid, nonsteroidal...

Does a Healthy Lifestyle Influence the Prognosis of Low Back Pain?

This study aimed to determine the influence of healthy lifestyle behavior (such as non-smoking...

Managing Exam Stress

A little stress around exam times can be a good thing as it can motivate you to...

Effects of Probiotics on BMI and Fat Percentage

This study aimed to analyse the effects of probiotic supplementation on body weight, body mass index...

Keeping Active During the Festive Season and Avoid the New Year Regret!

We all know the holidays is a time to relax and have a break from the daily chores of everyday life...

Top Tips on How to Avoid Office Workplace Aches and Pains

For some of us who work in an office, aches and pains are a fact of life. In fact research shows...


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