One size doesn’t fit all

At Aurum Health Care we offer our patients grounded, evidence-based approaches to health management, while also acknowledging that one-size doesn’t fit all – and that’s why all of our treatment plans are tailored for the individual.

Starting with a comprehensive injury assessment, we:

  • Diagnose your injury
  • Put together an injury management plan, which includes hands-on treatment, education and exercise
  • Provide you with regular progress assessments

Our treatments are designed to help you achieve fast pain relief, while also ensuring a long-term approach to health that will help you to avoid the same problem in the future.

We use a range of effective evidence-based therapies, which include:

  • Gentle minimal to non-rotational manual techniques
  • Instrument mobilisations
  • Electrotherapy
  • Musculoskeletal dry needling
  • Sports taping
  • Soft tissue, deep muscle releases

Our services include chiropractic care and remedial massage. You can learn more about our services by clicking below:

Icon Chiropractic


Icon Physiotherapy


Icon Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage

Icon Telehealth Chiropractic

Telehealth Chiropractic

Regardless of your age or gender, whether you’re an elite athlete or recreational participant, whether you have a specific injury or just want to improve your overall posture or health, the team at Aurum Health Care can help.

Our Chiropractors are trusted, experienced and provide excellent care.

We are committed in providing an accurate diagnosis of your condition, starting with a comprehensive history and assessment coupled with clinical insight and experience to identify the source of pain and get you out of pain quickly and safely. 

We use a wide variety of techniques to eliminate back pain, neck pain and injuries, restore your spinal function and help you achieve your best health. 

We use the latest investigations and techniques to find the cause of your pain and relieve it. With a holistic approach, our Chiropractors have extensive experience in the accurate diagnosis and in relieving:

  • Neck pain
  • Mid back pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Radiating arm and/or leg pain
  • Chronic aches
  • Stiffness
  • Loss of spinal flexibility
  • Back strength
  • Muscle and joint pain

Located in Norwest, our Chiropractic rooms are designed with your comfort and privacy in mind.


Call Aurum Health Care on (02) 9899 1416, or